V1.00 Feb 28, 2003 candidate release, added FAILED enumeration to OrderStateType and assetTransferRequired flag to orderProperties, removed trailing space from each type def name: PayAtStoreType, PayAtDeliveryType, BankTransferType
V0.60 - Jan 14, 2003 removed orderProp/trackingInfoList, and changed name of opaqueKeyValueList.
<xs:documentation>Each time a requestor or provider updates an order, they may track the change using a new OrderMod in the OrderInfo. Not all elements are required, and OrderMod may be extended by manufacturers for private information.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>This set contains consumer (service requestor) related information. Included here is the consumer’s name, address and payment information, listing all the details necessary to effect an order payment for the requested services. There is at most one ConsumerInformation per order.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>This abstract class is used to provide the framework for specifying a payment method. CPXe has defined several choices of payment methods, intended to provide base functionality. Other payment methods may be extended by CPXe members, including PayInStore, COD, ElectronicCash, DebitCard</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>This element is masked when retrieved by any method, and is returned as a string of x's and the last 4 digits of the CC number</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Information about the order. Some properties may be read-only -- that is updated by the service provider only. Other properties are read-write.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>orderId is issued by the service provider. It is a uid so that it is not easily guessed or hacked. Succesive orderIds are not sequenced. Example: orderId="5E162AD9-D430-4B1F-80DB-794BA0AD3C18"</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>The vendor's order number (taken from VendorInfo). This value may be used to track the order through customer service.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Current state of order (at OrderUpdated time). Wholesale and retail specific orderStates may not be reflected back to the service requestor.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Abstact type to contain other information. CPXe has defined LabeledDetailsType, but it also may be extended by manufacturer.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>The Locale that the order was created with. This locale is used consistently then thru order updating through processing to completxion. The locale of an order may not be changed once the order has been created.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Current state of order (at OrderUpdated time). Wholesale and retail specific orderStates may not be reflected back to the service requestor.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="PENDING"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VALID"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ASSET_IMPORT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PROCESSING"/>
<xs:enumeration value="COMPLETED"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PAUSED"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CANCELLED"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SHIPPED"/>
<xs:enumeration value="READY_FOR_PICKUP"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PICKED_UP"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED"/>
<!-- CPXE PRODUCT Last edited: Feb 28, 2003
V1.00 Feb 28, 2003 candidate release, fix KeyValueAssetInfoType and KeyValueAssetOriginatorType, and "None" reasonValues
V0.60 - Jan 14, 2003- Changed asset id to xs:ID, assetRef to xs:IDREF, shippingInfo moved to packageInfoList
V0.51 - Nov 15, 2002 - Updated the version number only
<xs:documentation>A Product contains a reference to the product in a catalog and price information. It optionally also carries all applicable product options choices, and any information a manufacturer needs to attach to the order for this product.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>The productPropertyList contains a set of properties (by reference) whose element content is the choiceValue/Name with optional xlink:href to choice.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>This charge captures the total charge for this product. That is: the unit product cost x product quantity. Other charges may be captured in the packageInfo or packageInfo/itemList.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Charges at this level (e.g. shipping, taxes, handling) are applicable to the line item for the quantity specified. Package-level charges may either be rolled up at the packageList level, or allocated to the line item. Charges at the productList/product, packageInfo/packingList and packageInfo/packingList/item levels may be allocated differently, but the never overlap.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Charges at this level (e.g. shipping, taxes, handling) are applicable to the line item for the quantity specified. Package-level charges may either be rolled up at the packageList level, or allocated to the line item. Charges at the productList/product, packageInfo/packingList and packageInfo/packingList/item levels may be allocated differently, but the never overlap.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Complete description of a single asset (image, mp3, whatever...), consisting of a status, an original asset and (optional) multiple derivative assets. The AssetType is used to manage the transfer of assets from a requestor to a provider. Note that the protocol is explicitly part of the URI. If the requestor wants to POST an asset, the requestor need only define a SourceURI of type 'file:', and after order authorization, the provider will fill in the DestinationURI with a POST address. If the requestor wants the provider to GET the asset, then it should specify a SourceURI of type 'http:', and after an order has been authorized, the service provider will GET the asset data from this address. Transfers by other protocols are TBD.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Base class for specfying Asset derivatives. The DerivativeType is used by both AssetOriginal and AssetDerivative. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>The destination URI of the asset derivative that a requestor can post to. Example: destinationUri="http://www.blueSky.com/upload/XP08647.jpg" </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>fileName is an optional element intended to carry the name of the file, with no path information. It is for documentation purposes only.</xs:documentation>
<!-- if an application has been defined for the service, then the application languages and browser properties all MUST be defined, else, none of the properties must be defined. -->
<xs:documentation>The choiceType is used to describe the 'type' of the choice. It is optional, typically described as an XML schema type. It is used to describe choices too numerous to list, for example length choiceType is xs:integer</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>The 'required' attribute is used by service providers to indicate whether a given product property choice MUST be specified in an order, or whether it may default. If unspecified, the default behavior is that the property choice need not be specified (rely on the default value).</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Defines currency. An amount and currency element. The currency should reference a valid currency code from ISO Standard 4217. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>The base class for address information. It is made up of (optional) fixed elements and a repeating number of Detail elements.</xs:documentation>